2001 Thursday Night Shirt Tails


Hope you brought your whole wardrobe! Tony, Werner & Bob thank you Riggsy! Guess Pop will have to buy you some more shirts!
Tommy Riggs starts
pleading the 1st of 3 cases

Tommy loses and the
first shirt gets cut!
Tommy wins with 3 shirt tails!
Face it Fran, the kid can't shoot straight! Two shirts, Two deer! Try harder on the next case Werner!
Fran loses legal defense of Riggsy

Werner Sr. uses legal
defense on first charge

Werner Sr. loses the first case
You wish it was 50 Werner! Nice try Art! You didn't think you could win?
Werner Sr. loses the second case

Art Krey tells his story
Art failed to sway the jury

Wait 'till he sees this! Pictures for sale! This is the largest legal defense yet
Rob seems to want to be cut
The Red Valley Slasher gets his due
Who killed the deer?
Jim Lambert, John Snook
or the baby?
Ain't this some shit? Anybody that would offer his son to be cut would .......!! These guys will cut anybody!
Lawyer Rhett reads the defense
for John Snook

Jim offers his son to avoid the sissors
The jury decides that all
parties are guilty as
charged and all 3 are cut
You should have never let Steve defend you last time! What about my lawyer? They really don't treat the old guys very nice!
Joe Punk pleads insanity
for Steve Homa

The jury finds Steve guilty as charged
Lawyer Joe Punk gets his payment
That's a pretty lame defense John!  My lawyer is a piece of shit! Top secret plans you know! Hey! That's a $30 sweater from Cabellas!
John Burick defends John Luyber
in a moment of weakness

John Luyber with the traditional
message on an old shirt
Lawyer John Burick receives
traditional lawyer pay
Which one did Dad say to pull? You lucky bastard! Just because I shoot the biggest deer and win the ticket!  Oh yeah, move that little rack from the center son!
Youngest Greenie pulls the ticket

And the winner is Bob Kelly Sr.
Dick cuts Bob's pony tail