Fin, Fur & Feather Club of New Jersey
337 Route 526
Cream Ridge, New Jersey 08514

A Proud Tradition and Heritage In Good Sportsmenship Since 1932

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2006 Deer Hunt
10 Bucks Hanging

Werner Nitschmann III killed a 3 pointer, Bob "Ole Man Kelly" Kelly killed a 6 point buck and Joe Punk each killed a one horn 3 point buck during Monday's hunt.  Chris Green killed a coyote while it was in full stride tumbling it a few times.  That's the first coyote I remember the club hanging during deer week so way to go Chris!  Werner killed his on the Lee farm and everything else was on Edgebrook including the coyote.  Sharpen the sissors for AJ, Boozer and a few more!  We had the traditional turkey dinner Monday night and the leftover hot turkey and gravy for lunch on Tuesday in the field. Tuesday morning it was the typical drive of the point.  Pushed 3 bucks off the top behind Wormbrants.  All went down the right ditch and Frank Ondrushek killed a 6 pointer.  Jim "Slug" Szeliga killed a 6 pointer while driving at the top of the right ditch.  It was a 4x2 rack, 2 ½ year old with a big body.  The third buck made it all the way to the point.  He got pushed back toward Infante's and Boozer shot at him as he dropped into the swamp.  Boozer needs another shirt for Thursday!  Then to Kuser and the only buck running was killed by Bill Lyden, a nice 5 pointer.  So there is 6 bucks hanging and the coyote who looks like the missing dog's picture on the telephone pole by the Post Office!  Another good meal Tuesday evening of ham, cabbage and potatos.  Of course the clubhouse is quiet in the evening.  (yeah right)  Wednesday was rather quiet.  4 bucks running on the Lee Farm but no shots fired.   Thursday morning had the buck running on the point while the standers were walking in but no shot.  Even Half Day Ray hunted with the club today!  A quick regroup at the club and off to Kuser.  Oh yeah, Half Day was now done for the day.  Too bad Ray because the Team 2 drivers had a buck in front of them waiting for the start.  Vic's buddy Joe slowed it down real nice with 3 shots and Dennis Edwards finished him off with 1 shot.  Dennis's autopsy concluded that Joe's shots had no effect on the spike buck and all of Dennis' buckshot was in the heart!  He should have been a doctor!  Start up the drive and a buck broke straight into the drive packing the mail between Steve Lyden and Boozer.  The 6 pointer didn't know he was shot so he ran another 100 yards before he checked out.  Lunch and a quick drive of the other side of the tracks produced nada.  Off to Old York Road produced a 4 pointer who deciced to walk over and smell Joe Demuth on stand.  The Deer Hunt Chairman whacked him for the 3rd buck today.  Dinner time fellas.  We have a court to run and some bottles to buy.  A good dinner, good friends and good fights.  Usually when Boozer shoots the deer is down and dead.  He got his shirt cut 3 times!  AJ and Poppa Nitsch got thiers cut twice each!  Rigsy the guest did not get his shirt cut for the first time since he was 10 years old!  A good time was had by all!  You had to pay for dinner but the entertainment and fights were free!  No bucks killed on Friday.  On Saturday, "One Shot Eddie" Barron killed a "Y" buck on the point.  Wonder if he is the one that has eluded us all week?  Guess you don't have to hunt all week, huh Eddie?  Reported to the Red Valley Reporter in the gas station on Sunday evening, Darrin Johnson missed a nice 8 pointer on Spring Road.  Too bad he was standing still!  You owe us a shirt buddy!  Check back later for any corrections and or more pictures the Valley.  Pictures were sent in from Bill Lyden and Dennis Edwards.  Thanks Bill and Dennis!.............Report from the Red Valley Field Reporter.

Other Reports - Another report filed by our 539 Roving Reporter (Brandon Nitschmann) reports that Tim Gola, who continues to kill deer with his knee brace, killed a button buck and a 3 pointer.  Also Tim's brother Ted, killed 2 does.  Brandon offered his congratulations to the brothers!  (Now there's a show of good sportsmanship!)  Brandon also reported that he and his father, Will, did not get anything.  He did not however report that his grandfather, Poppa Nitsch, missed the same deer twice on two different days!  Don't worry, we did collect both shirts from Poppa Thursday night.  Can't blame Son of a Nitsch for not squealing on Poppa!  Thanks for the report Brandon!

Werner Nitschmann III
3 Point Buck

Chris Green - First Coyote
Needs a shampoo!
Click Pic for more info!

Joe Punk
One Horn 3 Pointer

Frank Ondrushek, USMC
6 Point Buck

Bill Lyden
5 Point Buck

Sweet Joe Vermuth
Deer Hunt Chairman
Cooking in the Road

Deer Hunt Chairman
4 Pointer

Missing Dog

Dennis Edwards
Spike Buck

Steve Lyden
6 Pointer

"One Shot Eddie" Barron
"Y" Buck off Point on Saturday

Chris Green
First Coyote

Nice Shooting Chris!
Sable is still missing!
Jim Szeliga
6 Pointer

Bob "Old Man" Kelly
6 Point Buck

Old Man Kelly
6 Pointer on Edgebrook

Lunch at Giovi's on Tuesday
Hot turkey sandwiches!

Lunch at Giovi's on Tuesday
Rocky needs fuel!

Lunch on Kuser Road

50/50 Winner
Caught fixing the draw!

Sunday Night Pinochle
Poppa & Kirk vs Vic & Werner
Tommy looking for low cards!

Vic and Harry
You guys got big balls

Boozer doing his thing!
Leaving a hot sandwich!

In case you haven't heard,
Tommy has a new phone!

Gets scores and weather!

Our Gay American
Does he still hunt?
Find him at a truck stop!

Ben and Jim
Sounds like an Ice Cream!

Tommy again
Doing stupid shit for money!

The Red Valley Slasher
Click for Shirt Tale Pictures

Thursday Night
Nice picture
by Mike Durand

Team 2 Redneck Camper
Nobody wanted to ride
upfront with Will!!